Ty nejzajímavější ukončené diskuse ze všech místností Fora. Jen pro čtení!
Téma uzamknuto

05 lis. 2005, 08:53

Myslým, že by stačilo přeložit tohle:

LUBO píše:
Hi Lubo,

I thank you for your continuous support. Rolando and I, are very happy to know you all are very interested and watching the development of our pipes. I know why the pages are not available.... when I do a new upload, I delete the old pages. I should keep them in the storage of the web. I did not think about that. I promise I will be more careful, it is a shame to remove them so fast. I promise I will keep the pipes available!

As for the Russian guy, I am very upset indeed, for many reasons.
Rolando, personally, does not care that he is coping his pipes. But we are very upset because he also uses the name ATELIER as his brand name, not just as a button to view his workshop... I wrote him about that, and he replied that "it is legal to use it in Russia". I explained him it is legal to use it anywhere, but that is not the point. We function in a pipe community without frontiers and we respect each other, and support each other. We are not old-fashion pirates using modern technology. Also, if you go to his page, click on Atelier button to open that page, and than right click on it, open the View Source, and look what meta name="keywords" he is using. He uses all our names to promote himself, without our permission. I don't think that is legal, and I don't think it is ethical. I wrote him already about these issues and he said he did that by mistake and he removed them long time ago. Well,... they are still there if you will check.
I think he needs a little lesson from the pipe community at large.
He is so arrogant, saying that I only wrote him because I am afraid he is competing to take Rolando's place...so I am not going to put any more energy in it.

Best regards,

05 lis. 2005, 13:00

LUBO píše:je to smer, ktory je pristupny az vtedy, ked si nastudujes celu jeho doterajsiu tvorbu a ked si uvedomis, ze je to robene pre prilezitost halloweenu. nema to s peknymi fajkami nic spolocne a fajci sa to len pri urcitej prilezitosti, kde to ovsem nema konkurenciu. takze ked si prejdes forum priatelov... a pozries si vsetky linky na Talberta, ktore hovoria o jeho vsetrannosti, mozno sa zacnes na to pozerat uplne inac. a nezabudni si k tomu pustit tie hudobne kusy od Opeth, ktore som volakedy linkoval.

Ja si to uvedomujem, ale neoslovuje ma tento druh tvorby, resp. tvar a prevedenie.

05 lis. 2005, 18:46

co sa tyka talberta, tak mozno jedna jeho spojitost s halloweenom (a tym, padom mozno aj dovod na specialne halloweenovske fajky) - talbert ma totiz narodeniny 1. novembra, co je vlastne den po halloweene. cize narodeninovu oslavu moze tym padom financovat z predanych fajok :-)

06 lis. 2005, 09:13

Hmmm 8) . Jsem uchvácen. http://www.smokingpipes.com/pipes/new/j ... t_id=16691
Ale ta cena :? :)

06 lis. 2005, 11:50

Alferi píše:http://www.smokingpipes.com/pipes/new/joura/moreinfo.cfm?product_id=16691
Ale ta cena :? :)

Ale ta kresba... :!:

11 lis. 2005, 11:33

nechcem sa nejak rozpisovat, medzicasom sa objavili fajky od Toma Eltanga, Tokutomi dal 3 nove na smokingpipes, ktore su uz podla mna trochu mimo skutocnej estetiky, ale Tsuge tentoraz neobvykle zasvietil a ma takuto masivnu a pritom elegantnu krasnu fajku:
http://www.smokingpipes.com/images/prod ... 9-0425.jpg
v takejto kvalite su u neho fajky uz dost malo vidiet.
a este jedna fajka ma zaujala, je od Bill-a ASHTON Taylor-a a jej shape je nieco , co mi dava symbiozu medzi konzervativnym chapanim a snahou o osobity design. celkovy dojem tejto fajky je pre mna nejaky zvlastny a celkom sa mi paci. ma cosi v sebe, co ocenia starsi pani, masivnost, unikatnost, ale aj cosi konzervativneho.
http://www.smokingpipes.com/images/prod ... 6-0249.jpg
inac, neviem ci ste zbadali, ale objavila sa nova tvar, YUKIO OKAMURA, ma zvlastne shapes, ktore ma nejako nezaujali, ale jeden je naozaj svojsky a paci sa mi svojim novym ponimanim, hned ho kupil Joerg Lehmann
a je mozne, ze o tomto japoncovi budeme viac pocut:
http://www.aab-taxfreepipes.com/product ... ue&lang=bb
Okamura spracovava fajky len specialnymi japonskymi nozikmi, ktore sa nazyvaju Choukokutou.

11 lis. 2005, 13:22

JEFF GRACIK – ALAN PIPES ma nove fajky.
Potom, ako sa nam dobre znamy Jeff vratil po niekolkych mesiacoch z Dominikanskej republiky, pustil sa znovu do prace a trochu poupravil aj prezentaciu na svojej web-stranke.
Je celkom uspesny a jeho fajky sa predavaju, aj ked cena niektorych z nich je takmer 600 us dollar. Ide cenami hore a musim povedat, ze sa mi jeho niektore fajky znacne pacia. V prvom rade je to jeho nova fajka , ktoru nazval IRISH BLOWFISH, kde sa asi inspiroval Parks-ovym A-sym-om, ma to svih a elegantnost, pricom to nejak neprovokuje:
sice neviem, preco tomu dal meno blowfish, ale horne a dolne pohlady su znacne zaujimave a maju Tokutomi-ovsku rovnovahu asymetrie.
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... %20Big.jpg
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... %20Big.jpg
tieto pohlady uz crty blowfish-u maju.
Ovsem aj klasicky blowfish vie pekne zvladnut, tu je dokaz:
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... 20Left.jpg
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... posite.jpg
Jeff je stary obdivovatel Cornelius-a Maenz-a a preto ho tiez laka uplatnenie bambusu. Ze to zvladne, dokazuju aj nasledujuce fajky:
(skoda, ze sa tu nedaju zvacsit obrazky)
ovsem tu uz ano :
a na detaile vidiet, ze vie plne skoordinovat bambus a briar.
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... 20Left.jpg
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... 0front.jpg
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... Bottom.jpg
ma ovsem aj jednoduchsiu fajku s dvojkolienkovym bambusom v kontrastnej kombinacii
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... %20Big.jpg
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... %20Big.jpg
v celkom peknom tvare pre damy.
Ale aj semi-rustikovana Valkyria ma cosi do seba, nejak tam vidim paralelu k tvorbe Takeo Aritu:
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... 20Left.jpg
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... 0Right.jpg
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... %20Top.jpg
http://www.jalanpipes.com/Images/GALLER ... Bottom.jpg
takze si jeho fajky popozerajte:
tie starsie uz poznate:
a ti, ktori este nevedia, kto je Jeff Gracik, mozu si precitat toto interview:

11 lis. 2005, 16:11

Jeff Vas vsetkych pozdravuje a mozem zverejnit jeho mail, takze tu je:

..."Thank you for your compliments on the website and pipes. I worked very hard to accomplish all of this and am very
proud of it all. I hope, especially, that the site is easier to navigate now. The Irish Blowfish is a very special pipe to me. My inspiration was actually entirely from my own mind. It was simply what the block of briar was asking me to make! Michael Parks is a very good pipemaker, but I actually am not very familiar with is work because I do not study it like I
do pipes by other makers. There is a bit of Tokutomi influence, I feel, in this pipe though.

I saw the post on your website and thank you for posting there. I only wish that I could read Slovak! Oh, by the way, I discovered that my family that remains in the Slovak Republic live in Presov and Kosice (I believe).

I have tried to sign up for your forum, but because of the language barrier I am unable to navigate the site! Perhaps I will have to learn some Slovak so that I can talk with my pipe smoking friends in Czech republic and Slovakia. Please give my greetings to the smokers in your forum."

All the best,


11 lis. 2005, 17:03

Moc pěkné, aspoň to, čemu sem rozuměl.

11 lis. 2005, 17:12

Teď ještě aby se naučil slovensky. Třeba by pak i udělal nějaké cenově příznivé klubovky :) .

11 lis. 2005, 18:24

Tak mě napadá, nestálo by za to, kvůli lidem jako je Jeff, zřídit nějakou English section?

11 lis. 2005, 18:34

ak pride konecne interview s Michaelom Parksom, tak by som ho rad zavesil v oboch verziach, v anglickej v originale a v prelozenej do cestiny, alebo slovenciny. potom by si vedeli aj zahranicni zaujemci po najdeni linku precitat nieco v originale. postupne by sa tam mohlo objavovat viac veci, ktore by sme niekedy spravili so zahranicnymi pipemakermi. ale jeff si aj tak nebude vediet natuknut tlacidla, lebo nevie, co tam je po cesky na nich napisane. takze momentalne neviem, co by sa dalo vobec ine robit.

11 lis. 2005, 18:57

Hm, to ovládání jsem nedomyslel, ale phpBB je poměrně známé, a první thread by mohl být jakýsi návod s překladem ovládacích prvků.

11 lis. 2005, 19:19

V nastavení profilu je jazyk - český, anglický

11 lis. 2005, 19:38

tak super, to mu napisem. nevedel som.
Téma uzamknuto